Vicky Ford, rapporteur. It sets out the processes whereby Member States give authorisations to individuals to own, buy and sell firearms. A cache of similar firearms was discovered in the UK. The European law does need reviewing. The first set of proposed amendments from the Commission was very poorly drafted. It would have put disproportionate restrictions on many legal owners, it was not supported by Afvalcontainer Huren Oost Vlaanderen impact assessment, and the proposals had many technical failings. But, over the past 18 months, I have worked with colleagues across this Parliament and many different stakeholders, as well as law enforcement authorities, proof houses and legal experts, in order to protect the interests of legitimate owners whilst also addressing the security issues. There have been some misleading reports in the press and I would like to set the record straight here. In reality, the Parliament text that we are voting on today contains many significant improvements. Firstly, firearms will not be restricted on the basis of their cosmetic appearance: this is legally unworkable. Military reservists, museums, filmmakers and collectors will be able to continue their ownership, provided their Member State agrees. Member States will continue to organise and protect their own national security, national reserve and public defence services. This meets the needs of countries like Finland and respects the situation in Switzerland. Technical issues with deactivation standards have been reassessed and holders of genuinely deactivated firearms, such as re-enactors, will be able to continue their ownership. The controversial proposal for mandatory medical and psychological tests has been rejected and, instead, each country will have in place its own system for assessments. There are provisions to support younger owners and for those in rural areas. There are new measures for clearer marking, for better information sharing between Member States and for safe storage, but we have taken care not to put overly burdensome requirements on small traders or on historical items. There are new stricter controls on certain semi-automatic firearms when they are fitted with high-capacity magazines, and on automatic firearms that are being converted into semi-automatics. However — and this is important — individuals who legally own these today will be able to continue to do so, provided their own Member State agrees. Target shooters will also be able to Afvalcontainer Huren Oost Vlaanderen these and continue to practice and participate in their sport, again provided their own Member State agrees. There are new provisions on magazines, which go beyond what Parliament's committee initially proposed, however the representatives from Europe's 28 Member States insisted that they should be covered. Today, there are some additional amendments tabled by colleagues. These are not new: they have largely been considered by Parliament already and rejected by Afvalcontainer Huren Oost Vlaanderen Member States and the Council. If they are adopted, it could risk destabilising the entire agreement. This negotiation has been a long and difficult process. It is unfortunate that the original proposal came with so many failings from the Commission, but the changes that we have now agreed will close the loopholes and make an important contribution to our security, whilst also respecting the rights of legal owners. I expect Member States to use their new powers to support those legal owners and thus avoid disproportionate restrictions. I would like to thank all my colleagues for their help on this work. Ett hastigt tillkommet förslag att förbjuda en hel vapenkategori utan att utreda konsekvenserna av det var den utlösande faktorn. Det är stora skillnader i de nuvarande regelverken i medlemsländerna. Jag instämmer fullt med vad Vicky Ford tidigare har sagt här. Julian King, Member of the Commission. We have one shared objective, namely to cut off and limit the access of criminals and terrorists to guns. Our citizens rightly expect us to deliver on this to reinforce our collective security. That means cracking down on the trade in illegal weapons, but it also means strengthening controls on legally held firearms where there are gaps and vulnerabilities. Far from penalising legitimate gun owners and gun users, as some have suggested, by revising the directive we are in fact enlisting their support in the fight against those who misuse guns. We know that there are many law-abiding citizens who pursue hobbies involving firearms and who do not want those firearms to fall into the wrong hands. We completely respect that. The revision of the directive is not designed to stop people enjoying their pastimes, but, as we crack down on the illegal trade in weapons, we need to strengthen the rules around the acquisition, possession, storage and traceability of legal firearms. Clearer rules on marking and registration should improve traceability, providing reassurance for legal gun owners that their weapons cannot be used with impunity should they fall into the wrong hands. Like all of us, I would very much like to be able to say that criminal violence and terrorist attacks are a thing of the past. Sadly, that is not the case, so it is important not to be Afvalcontainer Huren Oost Vlaanderen about the ongoing threat level or its likely consequences. Ensuring that criminals and terrorists do not find it easy to acquire powerful and dangerous firearms with the intention of harming our fellow citizens is a collective responsibility that encompasses both the legal and the illegal trade. The fact that the perpetrators of terrorist atrocities in the last two years were able to use modified acoustic and deactivated weapons that were bought legally was the driving force behind the Commission's proposal to revise the directive.
Prevention is also the reason why we have strengthened the place of gender in our humanitarian aid. We know that there are many law-abiding citizens who pursue hobbies involving firearms and who do not want those firearms to fall into the wrong hands. We will never close the loop if we just keep throwing away or burning finite resources. Es ist doch jedem vernünftigen Bürger klar, dass Terroristen — Kriminelle — ihre Waffen am Schwarzmarkt im Darknet kaufen und nicht bei einem Waffenhändler ums Eck oder offiziell im Internet. As far as humanitarian aid is concerned, what I can say, as the Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid, is that our approach is based on needs.
Op 1 februari veranderde de reglementering m.b.t. Dit was het gevolg van het in werking treden van het KB van. Eine effektive SEO-Strategie ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Traffic-Generierung und der Verbesserung der Conversion-Rate. Frauen wichsen penisse kostenlos? In huren van de werf. Kalergi plan früh sexuell erziehung. Prive amateur oost vlaanderen ontvangt. de overheidsopdrachten op een aantal punten. werd gebouwd voor de kanalen in Zuid-nederland en vlaanderen. Recherchiere. Kleinwüchsige thai xxx. tot aan het faillissement bleef dat eigendom van de Hoop.Mrs Corazza Bildt has just told us about the consequences and what happens to women when that happens. We moeten zorgzamer omspringen met onze natuurlijke grondstoffen, de bodem, het watergebruik en stoppen met het verslepen van voedsel over vele kilometers. I share the view that the calculation rules need to be both robust and practical. Seetõttu peab EL seadma uued eesmärgid ning ajakohastama direktiive, mis hõlmavad nii jäätmeid kui ka prügilaid. The European law does need reviewing. It is my true belief — and I have been around for a couple of decades — that, if Europe takes the lead — even if it makes ambitious choices — the rest of the world will follow. Die müssen hier im Fokus stehen. La direttiva non pregiudica l'applicazione delle disposizioni nazionali relative al porto d'armi o relative alla regolamentazione della caccia e del tiro sportivo. Wir hätten auch, wenn wir den ursprünglichen Vorschlag weiter bearbeitet hätten, zu diesem Ergebnis kommen können. And if someone has a different opinion, if President Trump decided on a different approach, it would have to be respected. Ik ben ontzettend blij dat we deze doelstellingen bindend maken. Che cosa si sarebbe aspettato il mondo reale da questo provvedimento? Dann kommen wir vor Ort, um alle Unannehmlichkeiten des Jobs zu beheben. This meets the needs of countries like Finland and respects the situation in Switzerland. The revised directive represents a compromise. We need to go further. Um Liekens zu liken, musst du dich zuerst einloggen. Am deutlichsten wird der Unsinn dieses Vorhabens allerdings an der sogenannten Lex Helvetica: Weil die Schweizer dem Schengenraum angehören, wird auch sie von der Waffenrichtlinie eingeschlossen. Jan Zahradil ECR. Tidal waves of information are generated as we log on to websites, buy train tickets or make a cash withdrawal. Regen oder Sonnenschein: Unsere Toilettencontainer und tragbaren Toiletten dienen Ihrer gesamten Party! It happens with brothers, husbands, etc. Denn was zur Zeit zum Teil in einem Nachbarstaat verbrannt wird, könnten wir in Zukunft als Rohstoff sehr gut in einem anderen gebrauchen, oder anders gesagt: Der Müll von heute kann irgendwann einmal der Treibstoff von morgen sein. Read the impact assessment. Dies erleichtert die Rückverfolgung und unterstützt die Arbeit der Sicherheitsbehörden. Met een gevarieerd aanbod van gestandaardiseerde tot aan complete maatwerk roadshow trailers. Das sind die Fragen, die wir beantworten müssen. Er is een veel duurzamere manier om naar te kijken. But it has to be structural. Faire Preise. Of course I did speak to a lady who was in a difficult situation.